Data Enrichment for alerts on continues to ramp up with new exciting additions to its feature list, the latest one being Data Enrichment.

Data enrichment is the process of enhancing raw data by adding relevant information from external sources. With this, users can now enrich their primary data sources with corresponding data from a different source. The goal is to enhance information quality in alerts and provide deeper insights for decision-making.

Sounds like something you would want for your alerting? Follow the steps below to set it up!

Alert Creation with Data Enrichment

Step 1: In the alert creation process, choose the primary data source that you would need to set up the alert.

Step 2: Once the primary data source is connected and the query is set, click on “Enrich your data for each row” to set up the secondary data layer.

Step 3: Choose the data source that you would like to set up as the secondary data layer.

Step 4: Once inside the editor, you can set up the query for the secondary data layer and then use the option of “Add Variable” to add column variables from the primary data source.

Note: Please ensure that the secondary data source connects to the primary source via a unique identifier.

Step 5: Configure Incident details, by giving an incident title and adding a playbook on the steps stakeholders need to complete to resolve an incident

Step 6: Assign the incident to a team and to a stakeholder, either manually via the drop-down or through dynamic assignment

Step 7: Add a notification stream to alert stakeholders once an incident is triggered and click on “Publish Alert” to start receiving incidents!

Incident Screen with Enriched Data

Once the alert is set up and incidents are triggered, the incident screen will look like this with information from both the primary and secondary sources of data available.

Points to keep in mind

  1. Pick out a common entity that serves to identify these data points. A unique key of sorts.
  2. Set up the primary source and then add the enrichment layer by connecting the key with the correct column in the secondary source.
  3. Columns from both sources of data can be used for dynamic variables or assignments.
  4. If data is not available to be enriched for an incident, then an error message is shown as of now.
  5. Only one layer of enrichment is currently possible. Multiple sources of data cannot be connected.

Happy Alerting 😃