How to connect your Zendesk account with Locale

Everything you need to know about connecting your existing Zendesk ticketing system with your Locale command centre

This article will help you with the steps to integrate your Zendesk account with Locale so you can start syncing your Locale Incidents automatically as Zendesk tickets.

What can you do with this integration?

  • Create Zendesk tickets automatically when an alert is triggered on Locale.
  • Send details of the incident to the assigned Zendesk user so they can begin resolving it.

Connecting Your Zendesk Account to Locale

Here are the steps you need to follow to enable this integration.  

Step 1: Creating your Zendesk Account

​Step 2: Generating a Zendesk API token for Locale

Step 3: Integrating your Zendesk account to Locale

Step 4: Adding Zendesk actions to your alerts

Step 1: Creating your Zendesk Account

  • Go to to create a new Zendesk account
  • Upon signing up and verifying your email, you will be taken to the Zendesk home page. Zendesk will add some sample incidents and data during the first signup.

Step 2: Generating a Zendesk API token for Locale

⚠️ You need a Zendesk admin account to complete this step. If you don’t have this role, you can ask an existing admin to complete this step or assign the support Admin role.

  • Head over to your profile and click on ‘Manage in the Admin Center’
  • In Admin Center, click  Apps and Integrations in the sidebar, then select APIs > Zendesk API.
  • Click on 'Add API Token'
  • Copy the token before you save it since it will only show a truncated version of the token after it is saved.

Step 3: Integrating your Zendesk Account to Locale

Now that you have your Zendesk API token, you can easily integrate with Locale. head over to your Locale account, go to Org Settings → Integrations → Zendesk, and click Connect.

Enter the following details in the pop-up

  1. Your Zendesk subdomain/ workspace ID (For example, The workspace ID in / would be ‘locale1234’)
  2. Your admin email address
  3. The API token that you generated

Step 4: Adding Zendesk actions to your alerts

To start getting Zendesk tickets when your alert gets triggered, you need to add a Zendesk as a notification channel to your alerts.

  • To do this, edit an existing alert or create a new one and configure the details. Once you’re at Step 4 during alert creation (Setup Notifications and Actions for New Incidents), you can add your Zendesk action.
  • Once you’ve entered all the details, you can get a feel of how the ticket would look by clicking on ‘Test Integration’.
  • Save the alert and you’re good to go. Now, every incident created for this alert will also create a Zendesk ticket.

Happy Alerting :)