How to connect a Mongo Database with Locale?

Everything you need to know about connecting your databases on Mongo with Locale

MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that supports high-volume data storage. MongoDB uses collections and documents instead of tables and rows to organize data.


  • Step 1: Enable MongoDB BI connector on your database (if not already enabled)
  • Step 2: Whitelist Locale’s IP address
  • Step 3: Create a User and Grant Privileges
  • Step 4: Retrieve the Hostname and Port Number (Optional)
  • Step 5: Configure MongoDB as a Data Connection on Locale

What is BI Connector in MongoDB?

The MongoDB Connector for BI acts as a layer that translates SQL queries and results between a mongod or mongos instance and Locale. The BI Connector stores no data, and purely serves to bridge your MongoDB cluster with Locale.

Learn more about BI Connector

Installing BI Connector

You can either install BI Connector directly on your cloud or via Atlas. Click on the button below to explore detailed documentation on installing the BI Connector on-premises for MongoDB.

Installation Guide

Steps to enable the MongoDB BI connector via Atlas

Enable the BI Connector for Atlas when you create or update an M10 or larger cluster

Select Edit Configuration for a cluster as shown below

Select Additional Settings in the edit cluster screen

Under Additional Settings, turn on Enable Business Intelligence Connector

⚠️ Make sure to enable the BI connector for the primary node

Finally, save the changes and the BI connector will then be enabled for the MongoDB cluster.

Setting up the connection on Locale

Perform the following steps to configure MySQL as a data connection:

  • Log in to your locale command center and click on the Data Connections option under the ⚙️ Org Settings, on the left-hand side menu
  • Select MongoDB from the existing connections and enter the required database details.
    • Name the data source → A unique name to identify the data source. You could have multiple MongoDB databases/clusters connecting to Locale so you can use this name to uniquely differentiate between each of them within Locale’s platform.
    • Host Address → The Domain address/IP Address of your database.
    • Port → The port on which the database accepts connections (The default value for MongoDB BI connector is 27015).
    • Database Name → Enter the database name to which the connection needs to be made. As mentioned already, you can create new connections for different databases within the same cluster/new cluster.
    • Username → Database user.
    • Password → Password for the mentioned database user.
    • Use SSL → Check this option if you want the connection to be encrypted over SSL.
  • Once you have entered all of the details, click the Test Connection button to validate the details entered and to make a test database connection.

⚠️ You will not be able to save the connection unless the connection test is successful. In case you see an error, please contact us to have one of our support administrators help you in setting this up.

Alternatively, you can also reach out to your Database administrator for further troubleshooting.

  • Once you have saved the connection, it will be visible on the Data Connections page and can be used in setting up alerts.

Note: Locale will cancel queries that run for more than 90 seconds. This is to protect your database from running rogue queries and also to prevent a backlog of alerts in the Locale system. If you have a use case where this needs to be increased then please get in touch with our Support.

Happy alerting 🙌🏻