Welcome to our latest innovation - Comments Sync!

We are thrilled to introduce a powerful enhancement to our product that seamlessly integrates collaboration across multiple communication channels. With Comments Sync, any comment made within our platform, on incidents, is now synchronized effortlessly across notification channels such as WhatsApp, Slack, and Email and vice versa.

This groundbreaking feature not only streamlines communication but also ensures that your team stays connected and engaged, regardless of the notification stream they prefer. Embrace a new era of collaboration as we bring cohesion to your conversations and amplify productivity with Comments Sync.

How does it work?

Let’s take the example of a sample incident, as shown below:

Now, a user receives a WhatsApp notification and a Slack channel notification when an incident is created.

If the user chooses to respond from WhatsApp, let us see what happens!

The user sends a message on WhatsApp by responding to the incident notification, stating that they need an update to share with the customer.

This message now gets synced on Slack, and the other user can now see this comment on Slack, as shown below:

This user can now respond to this message on Slack, and share a status on the incident.

This message will now get recorded on the other user’s WhatsApp message, and they will receive a notification about this comment.

In the meantime, the incident page on Locale will continue to maintain a repository of all the comments that have been added for this incident.

The comments that are directly added on Locale’s UI will also be synced with Slack and WhatsApp in this scenario and with the other notification channels set up.

How to set it up?

The Comments Sync is automatically enabled for all new alerts created. However, users will find a toggle under the advanced settings to turn it off when not required.

Happy Alerting!