Alert on Areas experiencing High Demand and Low Supply of Drivers/Vehicles.

Problem Alert Action Impact
Low Driver/Vehicle Supply in High Demand areas Alert the Ops team when an area sees a surge in demand/app opens and has fewer vehicles to cater it. Ops Team can deploy more Drivers/Vehicles in high-demand areas or rebalance existing assets from other areas as well. Improves Driver/vehicle utilisation and Customer Service rate.

Step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Write an SQL query to fetch a value or a list, you can setup alerts on the result of your SQL query

Sample Query - to fetch a list of areas where Demand is high and the supply is low

Code Display Example

SELECT demand.current_area AS Area
(SELECT current_area, COUNT(*) AS booking_intent_events
FROM user_app_stream
event_name IN  (“App Opened” , “Vehicle Searched” , “Search Cancelled” , “Booking Done”)
GROUP BY current_area) AS demand
(SELECT current_area, COUNT (DISTINCT vehicle_id) AS avaialble_vehicles
FROM vehicles
WHERE status = “Available”
GROUP BY current_area) AS supply
ON demand.current_area = supply.current_area
booking_intent_events > #{{demand_threshold}} AND avaialble_vehicles < #{{supply_threshold}}

Step 2: Configure your alert condition on top of your query result

  • Alert Frequency: 30 mins
  • Alert Type: new row added to the list
  • Unique value column: current_area

Step 3: Configure Incidents created from this alert

  • Incident Tile:  #{{current_area}} area is facing high demand and low supply.
  • Incident Type/Priority: Medium
  • Team is responsible for this alert (optional) - Fleet Management Team
  • Person assigned to the incidents (optional) - Ops Lead
  • Enable escalating the incidents if not resolved - Enable
    • Duration: 2 hours
    • Member: Fleet Manager @ HQ

Step 4: Setup Actions and Notifications for the incident channel: Slack

  • destination: email
  • id:
  • Escalation:  
    • destination: slack
    • channel: fleet_management_channel