
Sep 9, 2024

Best AI Sales Assistants in 2024

Best AI Sales Assistants in 2024

Rahul Kumar

Different AI sales assistants in 2024
Different AI sales assistants in 2024


AI sales assistants automate sales tasks like identifying new leads, doing research, summarising call notes and action items, updating CRM, providing real-time feedback to sales reps, and more. These sales processes can be divided into 3 categories - before meeting, during meeting and after meeting. In this blog, we talk about the best AI sales assistants for each category and describe what makes them stand out.

Locale.ai enable you to automate sales processes in all 3 categories with their collection of AI assistants which mimic the way salespeople work and help you replicate the star rep’s playbook throughout the company and close more business.

AI sales assistants free up sales teams from admin work like booking meetings, sending follow-ups, doing research, updating CRM, and more. These assistants help sales reps to focus more on ways to improve customer interactions and make each touch point more contextual and personalized to the prospect.

Applications of AI Assistants in the Sales Process

There are tons of ways you could deploy AI assistants in sales. One research found that high-performing sales teams who use AI in their processes improved their closing rate by approximately 40%.

AI can help you with the following aspects of sales:

  1. Identify New In-Market Leads: AI can find patterns in lead data that allow it to identify new leads that are in-market, which fit the ICP that the company targets for its offerings. AI will analyse what a good lead looks like for your business, then analyse third-party data available and recommend potential prospects that your team should reach out to.

  2. Do deep research on prospects and companies: AI assistants are uniquely capable of browsing the entire internet and finding relevant info for each and every prospect and company. This helps sales reps save time which they would otherwise spend on research and also helps them get granular data which a human would find it impossible to gather.

  3. Score & Prioritise Leads Automatically: Companies that have a lot of inbound interest have seen the benefits of lead scoring. Thanks to AI assistants, you have a wealth of data at your fingertips which will make scoring leads a breeze.

  4. Summarise and Provide Action Items from Meetings: Sales reps spend a considerable amount of time summarising action items from calls with prospects and making action items. AI assistants will automatically summarise the calls and provide action items almost instantly after the call, which can be shared with the prospect over an email right away.

  5. CRM Management: Sales reps typically spend 80% of their time on admin tasks like updating CRM after every call, creating deals, updating deal stages, and more. With AI assistants, CRM management becomes very easy. These assistants can extract info from the meeting transcript and email threads to create deals, update CRM fields, update deal stages and properties, and more. Apart from saving time, this also ensures that all necessary information is captured with 100% accuracy.

  6. Recommend Next Actions for Sales Reps: A major difference between a high-performing sales rep versus an average sales rep is their ability to prioritise the next steps and accounts. AI assistants can recommend the next deals to prioritise along with the next steps, acting like a sales coach & manager who is always available.

  7. Follow-up with prospects: AI assistants can create a personalized follow-up email for each prospect. It can also create personalized presentations and documents for the prospect as attachments.

  8. Predict Likelihood to Close: AI will make increasingly accurate estimates of how likely it is that leads in your database close. By analysing vast amounts of historical and market data, AI will highlight leads with a high possibility of closing.

Now that we’ve seen the different types of processes an AI sales assistant could execute, we can break these processes down into 3 broad categories.

  1. Sales processes before meeting with the prospect - These would include identifying leads, building lists, doing research, lead scoring and lead qualification

  2. Sales processes during or just after meeting with the prospect - These would include summarising and providing action items from the meeting, and updating CRM.

  3. Sales processes after meeting with the prospect - These would include recommending next steps for each prospect, following up with prospects, and sales forecasting.

Let’s look at the various tools in each category:

AI sales assistants for processes before meeting with the prospect

  1. Clay: Clay helps you enrich your lead lists and personalise your sales outreach at scale. It uses AI to automate tasks like enriching contact data and generating leads. USP: Most powerful feature is the waterfall enrichment where they enrich your data from 75+ databases.

  2. Unify: Unify is a GTM technology platform that automates powerful, end-to-end sales intelligence and engagement workflows through warm outbound. Leveraging intent data and AI, Unify handles everything from prospecting target personas to personalised engagement at scale.

  3. FullEnrich: Instead of buying multiple subscriptions to each service, FullEnrich enriches your contacts with professional email addresses and direct phone numbers from 15 different B2B data sources to cover all countries, company sizes, and industries.

  4. Lemlist: A cold outreach tool that helps you reach inboxes and get replies. Lemlist helps build your list with verified emails, write and personalise campaigns at scale, and send cold emails that get customers. USP: Automate creating and sending voice notes on LinkedIn chats.

  5. Instantly: Instantly turns leads into clients with automated outreach, exhaustive deliverability network, sales engagement, B2B lead database & AI-powered CRM. USP: Helps in setting up outbound sequences in under 5 minutes.

  6. Expandi: One of the most powerful solutions for your outbound challenges on LinkedIn, with an active academy to help you become a better LinkedIn user. Contact your prospects on LinkedIn via smart automated sequences in under 15 minutes.

  7. Locale.ai: Locale.ai's AI Agents revolutionise your pre-call preparation by automating time-consuming research tasks. These agents delve deep into prospect data, gathering insights that help you qualify leads more accurately and efficiently. With Locale, you can identify high-value opportunities faster, tailor your sales pitches with precision, and increase your chances of closing deals. By freeing your time from manual research, Locale empowers you to focus on building meaningful relationships with prospects and driving revenue growth.

  8. Factors.ai: Factors.ai is an AI-powered marketing intelligence platform that analyses your customer journey data, revealing the key factors influencing conversions at every stage. Stop guessing and start making data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing funnel and boost sales.

  9. RB2B: RB2B helps businesses identify website visitors and generate high-intent leads. By leveraging advanced tracking technology, RB2B provides valuable insights into your website traffic, allowing you to target potential customers with personalised outreach and increase your conversion rates.

  10. Signals: Signals ensures that you do not have quiet misses – if someone is on your site, if they interact with your email, if they click on a button or fill out a form, you will know immediately and be able to capitalise on their active interest.

  11. Overloop: Overloop runs all your outbound campaigns 100% automatically. Freeing 90% of your SDRs’ time, Overloop’s AI engine sources new leads, writes your emails, and books meetings for you!

  12. Leadlabs: Leadlabs provides an in-depth profile analysis from LinkedIn and understands various contextual signals like self-written content, engaged content, personality assessment, personal attributes & account signals.

  13. Trellus: Trellus offers real-time coaching on cold calls to make the most out of every dial. Alongside coaching, Trellus allows you to retrofit your dialer into a hand's free power dialer to maximise conversations.

  14. Relevance.ai: Relevance AI is a groundbreaking platform that empowers businesses to create and manage highly skilled AI agents, just like human employees. These agents can work independently or as part of a team, automating tasks and streamlining processes. With Relevance AI, you can delegate tasks & enhance productivity.

  15. Regie.ai: Regie AI modernises sales engagement with AI-driven prospecting. AI Agents source and prioritise contacts, generate and send personalised messages, and accelerate engagement on priority leads 100% autonomously, so reps can focus on more impactful sales activities.

  16. Nooks.ai: Nooks is an AI-powered parallel dialer powering the best SDR and BDR teams. 5x conversations with parallel dialing and improve connect rates with auto-enrich, hot numbers, and champion tracking.

AI sales assistants for processes during or just after meeting with the prospect

  1. Locale.ai: Locale.ai's powerful AI Agents provide real-time feedback during your sales calls, helping you address objections effectively and ask targeted questions to qualify leads more accurately. Just after the call, the AI assistant summarises the key points from the call and updates the CRM properties, creates deals, updates deal stages and more.

  2. Attention.tech: Attention.tech is your real-time AI sales assistant. With perfect visibility into your sales activity, it helps you with scoring your conversations and opportunities. It also provides revenue leaders with updated data on the pipeline in minutes.

  3. Gong.io: Gong helps organisations by harnessing customer interactions to increase business efficiency, improve decision-making and accelerate revenue growth. Gong enables teams to capture, understand, and act on all customer interactions from within the platform.

  4. Fireflies: Fireflies is a call recorder that helps you unlock data from your customer conversation. Fireflies brings the voice of the customer to every person inside your organisation.

  5. Crystal: Crystal is a personality data platform, helping salespeople understand the natural personality of anyone with an online presence and provides real-time recommendations to optimise every call, meeting, and email.

  6. Humanlinker: Humanlinker is an AI platform that helps sales teams generate and convert more pipelines through AI-powered personalisation. Humanlinker helps you conduct sales and market intelligence on prospects so that you can focus on selling.

  7. Storylane: Storylane helps companies build interactive product demos in minutes. Create custom demos to enable your prospects to champion your product more vocally internally.

  8. StoryDoc: Storydoc is an intuitive slide editor that creates interactive presentations that impress your leads. It makes it easy to replace static PDFs with engaging decks created exclusively for sales and marketing teams. Storydoc connects to your CRM automatically personalising your decks for each customer.

  9. Avoma: Avoma is an AI Meeting Assistant and Revenue Intelligence solution for customer-facing teams. With Avoma, you can record all your meetings, get full transcripts and summarised notes, and actionable insights. Avoma also helps in coaching reps, helping reduce ramp time for new joiners.

AI sales assistants for processes after meeting with the prospect

  1. Locale.ai: After your conversation with the prospect, Locale can send personalised follow-up emails to prospects. Additionally, Locale can generate custom collaterals based on the discussion, providing you with tailored materials to nurture leads and close deals more effectively.

  1. Nektar.ai: Nektar is a revenue efficiency platform that captures and unifies customer interaction data scattered across your frontline teams, plugging data holes in your CRM. By discovering hidden revenue opportunities and delivering timely insights right where you work. Nektar helps you transform your Salesforce into a self-healing CRM.

  1. Sybill: Sybill is an AI sales assistant that revolutionises your sales process by automating administrative tasks like call summaries and email drafting, empowering sales teams to focus on building relationships and closing more deals.

  1. Sellestial: Sellestial streamlines your sales operations, tightens your processes, and ensures timely follow-ups with every prospect. AI automates manual tasks such as data entry, freeing up hours each week for you to focus on selling. With auto-reminders and next-step suggestions, Sellestial ensures that you follow up on time, preventing deals from slipping through the cracks.

  1. Twain AI: Twain is the AI writing co-pilot for sales. Twain comes in and helps you write hyper-personalised introductions, attention-grabbing follow-ups, and elegantly handle objections, bringing your A game to every single email you write.

  1. Lavender: Lavender is an AI Email Coach. It combines everything you need to easily write sales emails that get replies. Get real-time AI-driven coaching on your email, research your prospect without leaving your inbox, confirm their email is valid, check if your email will land in SPAM, see how it looks on mobile, plus much more.

  1. Journey.io: Journey is a storytelling platform that helps sales teams turn endless email threads and attachments into one interactive workspace. Customers get everything they need in one place & sales teams get analytics on which contacts are engaged and which deals are most likely to close.

  2. Qwilr: Qwilr lets you effortlessly create beautiful, interactive proposals that captivate buyers and help you close deals. Deliver a better buyer experience by combining content, price quotes, e-sign, and sales transactions into a single, mobile-friendly webpage.

  3. People.ai: People.ai is one of the leading go-to-market solutions out there. Their SalesAI platform unlocks the power of data to automate crucial sales activities, from account planning to content generation.

  1. Substrata: Substrata analyses real-time human dynamics, uncovering attitudes, and intentions, to help dealmakers sell smartly and close more deals. Substrata's social signal AI decodes the underlying interpersonal dynamics between sellers and prospects.

  1. Momentum: Momentum uses AI to capture and extract insights from customer interactions and execute steps of the sale. Momentum empowers leadership to understand crucial insights into product positioning, progress in sales processes, and pricing, thus helping them to make informed decisions.

When selecting an AI sales tool, it's crucial to consider factors that mean the most for you and your team. By carefully evaluating, businesses can identify the tool that best aligns with their needs and goals.

One AI assistant platform to rule them all: Locale.ai

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that Locale.ai is listed in all 3 categories. This isn’t just empty bragging, we have the muscle to prove it. Our collection of AI sales assistants can automate all sorts of sales processes for you. They can mimic the way salespeople work and help you replicate the star rep’s playbook throughout the company and close more business. Here are some reasons why you should use Locale:

  • Customize your parameters for each assistant: Tailor agent settings and behaviors to meet your specific needs and scenarios like filling your custom fields in CRM, incorporating specific data points in company research, etc

  • Everything happens within Slack: Seamlessly integrate and operate directly within Slack, so you don’t have to open any new tools and tabs.

  • Human-in-the-loop for approvals: Enable human oversight with approval mechanisms for critical decisions made by AI agents.

  • Agent-based pricing: Flexible pricing model based on the number and usage of agents so that pricing can grow along with your company’s needs.

  • SOC II compliance: Locale has strict adherence to SOC 2 standards that ensures robust data privacy and security practices.

  • Use agents out-of-the-xox: Deploy pre-configured agents in 5 mins just by integrating your sales tools and selecting your unique parameters.

Book a demo to learn more about our AI assistants.

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